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Need an FSC expert by your side?

Perhaps you already have an FSC® certification, or you’re looking for more in-depth assistance in getting certified. Or maybe you have a lot of questions that you need answered quickly. You need the best FSC certification consultants by your side.

American Green Consulting offers hourly or retainer-based consulting services to help you get—and keep—your FSC certification.

We work with businesses across the sectors of the forest product industry. From timber and wood products to print and packaging, we can help. Plus, because we are not a certifying body (CB), we’re able to offer you a higher level of personalized service and support.

We’re in the business of helping you, and our experience with FSC requirements means that you’ll breeze through FSC certification with ease, saving time and money along the way.

No more wading through paperwork! Give us a call today to learn more about how AGC can help you.